Who Wrote Revelation

Who Wrote The Book Of Revelation?

A quick dive into online searching will create a complete mess behind who wrote Revelation. Most all agree that a man named John wrote it. Yet which one? The answer is more easily known than those who wish to alter history would like. To gain a grasp on this we will look at some of the most common claims and offer insight which is typically ignored.

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Jesus Return

Battle Of Megiddo

We must first be clear that the second coming is defined by Jesus return. This return can be found in Revelation 19 with the battle of Megiddo. It should not be confused with the Rapture. These two events are different in time and purpose for what they serve. The return of Jesus holds great significance as it is a turning point within the world ushering in a new age within the Millennial Kingdom.

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The End Times

When Does The End Of Times Begin?

Modern culture has confused much concerning the end times. The reality is that it is not complicated to understand. If one wanted to know when the end of times were to begin all we must do is understand basic prophecies within Scripture. What is interesting is that if one were to ask where to look for this many would turn to Revelation. The truth is actually found surrounding the life of Christ Himself.

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Rapture, Second Coming: The Difference

What is the Difference Between the Rapture and the Second Coming?

These two events are often confused by definition and also in time. When spoken of, one will often hear that these events are one and the same yet they are not. The rapture and the second coming are two different distinct events with two different purposes. One removes the Church from earth while the other removes the unbelievers for judgment before the Millennial Kingdom.

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Revelation 12: The Theme

Revelation 12: The Theme of the Bible

Depending on which commentator you read Revelation 12 has been interpreted in different ways. Mathew Henry depicted the woman as the Church. John Peter Lange in A Commentary of the Holy Scriptures: Revelation, he disagrees yet acknowledges the meaning which Mathew Henry gives. John MacArthur I believe has a more accurate picture with less symbolic meaning telling the story in a more literal sense. The truth behind Revelation 12 should be easy to find thanks to a reference which John included with two additional parallels to that reference.

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Rapture Defined

What is the Rapture? Where does it fit? Is it real?

Modern churches today are diverting in course from historical church movement. Historically the fact an event called the Rapture exists was never in question. Historically the question was where in the time line of events it would take place. This today is still the predominant argument, yet movements have been made to deny the existence of a Rapture event.

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Israel’s Purpose

A Promise To Israel

What is God’s purpose for Israel? Prophetically the more popular narrative today has become that either the Church has replaced Israel or there is a more metaphorical meaning. The issue with these narratives is that none of them allow for Scripture to interpret itself. We must accept that God’s word is written as He intended it, complete and true without error. This very idea for many is too much to accept. Nevertheless as one studies the case for Israel if one is a Christian then one should realize that if God will not, or cannot, fulfill His promises to Israel then we as Christians have no hope for salvation. We are all tied to the promises of God.

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Truth in Prophecy