Category Archives: Foundational Principles

Foundational principles for understanding prophecy.

Who Is Jesus Christ The Son Of God And Messiah

Scriptural Proof Of Jesus Christ

The only way to find proof as to the truth behind who Jesus Christ was is for us to look into history.  Therefore we must look to evidence beyond the existence of His lifetime.

How is that possible you may ask?  Older Scriptures hold evidence as to who the Messiah would be, where He would come from, and what He would do.

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The End Times

When Does The End Of Times Begin?

Modern culture has confused much concerning the end times. The reality is that it is not complicated to understand. If one wanted to know when the end of times were to begin all we must do is understand basic prophecies within Scripture. What is interesting is that if one were to ask where to look for this many would turn to Revelation. The truth is actually found surrounding the life of Christ Himself.

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Rapture, Second Coming: The Difference

What is the Difference Between the Rapture and the Second Coming?

These two events are often confused by definition and also in time. When spoken of, one will often hear that these events are one and the same yet they are not. The rapture and the second coming are two different distinct events with two different purposes. One removes the Church from earth while the other removes the unbelievers for judgment before the Millennial Kingdom.

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Tribulation: Who and Why?

God’s Promise To Us

Most understand that the tribulation period is a time of extreme peril upon the world. What it is for, and who it applies to is where much debate sets in. If we allow Scripture to interpret itself we can solve many issues. In order to understand the tribulation first one needs to know the importance of God’s promises to Israel and also the Church.

Without these prerequisites it becomes easy to miss the importance of this period of time. I highly recommend reading the posts concerning Israel and the Church before continuing as they are fundamental building blocks. We can begin to understand the why behind creation and the foundations of the world.

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Rapture Defined

What is the Rapture? Where does it fit? Is it real?

Modern churches today are diverting in course from historical church movement. Historically the fact an event called the Rapture exists was never in question. Historically the question was where in the time line of events it would take place. This today is still the predominant argument, yet movements have been made to deny the existence of a Rapture event.

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