What Does It Mean To Be Saved
Such a simple concept has been met with so much confusion in the world. To understand the full saving grace meaning we first need to know a foundational concept. It requires someone to know salvation. The impact of salvation reaches far more than most realize in Scripture and in our lives. What does it mean to be saved?
The life of Christ and His purpose is often missed by many. People today miss what was done just as in the time of Jesus. Too few recognize Him as Simeon did seeing a fulfilled promise to us all.
A Simple Concept
To be saved one must simply accept Jesus as their Savior repenting of their sin. A child can seem to understand such a simple thing better than many adults. Yet knowing what real repentance is can be difficult for some in the world and even within various denominations. Real repentance based upon Scripture is not by word of mouth alone.
Clearly when one becomes saved it is totally based upon faith through grace in Christ alone. No works or good deeds can help you. The very change one goes through because of salvation and a repentant heart will in turn cultivate and cause ones life and actions to also change. The works are a result of salvation not the prerequisite for it.
To be truly repentant means to turn away from, to go in the opposite direction from a current or present path. In other words ones life changes. Repentance is by action as much as it is by heart and word. This does not mean that one becomes perfect. It also does not mean that you will not fail. Therefore it also does not mean that once you fail that you lose salvation, this requires another topic for a blog post altogether.
What Does Grace Mean?
To define grace is not as complicated as some may think. We more easily understand the idea of mercy. Mercy is not getting what is deserved such as punishment. People often can confuse this with grace. Rather grace is obtaining or getting what you do not deserve. We do not deserve salvation. We have no right to it, we cannot earn it, it is not obtainable by our efforts. Yet it is a gift we can accept getting what we do not deserve to have.
On an elementary level when helping someone come to know Christ this basic meaning is easy to understand but its ramifications reach into eternity itself. The result of salvation is not merely escaping hell and separation from God. To have salvation is a claim by God upon your life and soul as you surrender to Him. The grace you receive is an inheritance that you are given. What is this inheritance?
But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;
1 Peter 2:9
To be called a chosen generation and a royal priesthood is no small thing. It gives distinction and a purpose beyond the world which we know now. While we may not fully understand the totality of all promises which we have been given we do have a glimpse to its significance.
And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne. 8 And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints. 9 And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; 10 And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.
Revelation 5:7-10
The scene of Revelation 5 gives insight into a small portion of what is to come. Here the Church is present with Christ in Heaven before the opening of the Tribulation. It is the Church which was saved out of every nation, kindred, and tongue. These people state that they have been made kings and priests that will reign on the Earth.
It is within the Millennial Kingdom that the Church will rule and reign with Christ for a thousand years. It is because of salvation and the grace that we receive which we obtain this inheritance that we do not deserve. We have no claim to it. We did not create it nor influence it. Yet we are allowed to partake in all things which are to come with Christ.
A Bride Not A Servant
The Church is unique from other believers of History. Isaiah 54:3 gives some insight into who will partake within this new world. The verse states that this future deliverance will extend out from the House of Israel to include the Gentile world. Here Isaiah is given a picture of a new covenant which will come in Christ.
The continued description of chapter 54 shows a world that will come. In verse 10 He states that while the mountains will depart and the hills be removed the covenant of peace will not be taken from us. In verses 11 to 17 is a description of some of the gifts we will given. It is a world of peace and opulence where no weapon formed against us will prevail.
In Isaiah 26:20-21 we are depicted as a bride which is taken from the world to be protected before wrath is to be poured on the world. We are separate and unique in Revelation being dressed in fine linen while other saints from other periods of time are dressed in white robes. This can be seen in Revelation 6 before the 6th seal is broken and the Tribulation Saints are pictured in Heaven with white robes.
In Revelation 19: 8 and vs 14 the Church is found in fine linen as His bride returning with Christ back to the Earth to witness the destruction of the Antichrist and those who rejected Christ. While the Church is pictured uniquely I cannot help but to remember the words of Christ echoing across time. I remember what He said to Thomas about those being blessed who believe yet have not seen.
Indeed all generations of believers will partake within the fullness of Heaven and eternity. Yet there are components of the why behind some things that we are not given. Nevertheless it does not stop us from seeing how God has separated the ages of time and given meaning behind His covenant to all believers in each epoch of history.
Salvation As Identity Not An Object
In truth salvation is not an object that can be had or obtained. It is not like a physical thing you can reach out to take, hold, or posses. Rather it is an identity. It is what and who you are in Christ because of Him. In other words it is impossible to be both of the world and also saved in the body of Christ. I am reminded of the encounter between Jesus and Nicodemus as this was explained and questioned before Christ was crucified.
Likewise one cannot simply choose to be saved whenever they are ready. There is no salvation without the Father’s election, the sacrifice of the Son, and the application of salvation by the Holy Spirit sealing us. We cannot shop for salvation just for when we want it. We are called to it. If we listen we become His, if we reject Him it may have been our last opportunity.
It is only arrogance which believes that tomorrow will be another opportunity. Tomorrow we may die. We are not the author of life. No breath is guaranteed. The heart is a mere muscle that can stop at any moment bringing the pulse of life to an end. We are not in control. Our idea of control and tomorrow is nothing but an illusion. Death is one certainty that we cannot escape nor control its timing.
What we choose to become in life is more than a profession or title. Who we need to become requires transformation. It is a transformation we cannot control. We can seek it but not initiate it. The Holy Spirit must move for it to be accomplished. To reject the Holy Spirit is a dangerous thing.
Seal Of A Promise
Salvation for us now is a sealed promise. It a promise that will be completed upon the Rapture of the Church and our unification with Christ. It is there that we are presented to the Father as a bride. Scripture states that we are not of this world. We look forward to where we are to go not where we presently are. Likewise we are not the past person of what we once were.
This transformation does more than save us, it also heals us. It is a renewing of our mind to focus on the things of Christ. We focus on the one and only truth that can be had. It is His truths that bring healing into our lives as we recognize that this world is not ours to hold onto.
The losses we suffer within this life are but for a moment. Our life is described as a vapor that passes in a mere moment when compared to eternity. The world has no way of understanding these things. For them it all sounds as insanity. Yet they cannot give an answer about tomorrow, nor where they came from, or what lay in wait for them as their life ends. Despite knowing nothing they seem to be full of answers founded only in disbelief and arrogance. What is more amazing is their belief in something they cannot define or control even if that be a belief in themselves alone.
Intended Grace From The Beginning
Few realize that the first prophecy of salvation found in Scripture is in Genesis. It is after Adam and Eve sinned in the garden that Christ appears. He is speaking to them and the serpent. It is at the point of Genesis 3:15 the first prophecy is given.
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
Genesis 3:15
This verse spoke of Christ coming with a promise of salvation. Make no mistake that before the universe was created He knew the ending. His intentions at the very onset was to bring us to Him in spite of our failures and sin. There is nothing that is hidden from God. Just as Christ forgave all sin past, present, and future while He hung on the cross, He also knew the story and what would be when He said “let there be light”.
If you feel that you are not good enough for salvation, that is true. None of us are. It is not a matter of being good enough. It is a matter of acceptance of a gift. It is a gift that was intended for each of us from the very beginning. God did not make a mistake even though you have.
Grace was authored for you. Christs sacrifice was planned so He could have you. All He asks from you is to choose Him. It is that simple. The rest He will give you as it was prepared for you since before the foundations of the universe existed.
It is for these reasons that the only sin which cannot be forgiven is the rejection of the Holy Spirit which is also the rejection of Christ. The reason why it cannot be forgiven is because it requires us to accept His forgiveness. A gift cannot be received by anyone when it is shoved away and refused.
If we continue to refuse what is given eventually the one who wishes to give this gift will walk away. He will allow someone to say no. It is not forced on you. At the same time if you reject enough you may never have to reject Him again. You may never hear the calling. You may never again feel the pull. There will be only silence.
Grace is no small thing. It is wrapped and interwoven into the story of our existence and purpose. Make sure you know its story personally.