7 Seals Of Revelation In The Tribulation

Seals Of Revelation

I wish to make a few clarifications about the 7 seals. I do not care for alarmists. In my work I will always approach topics from an educational view and point of accuracy. Please know up front that we are not presently living within the seven seals of Revelation as of the time of this writing.

There are those who wish to promote ideas which surround these themes and present them in a way to manipulate people. If there is any doubt in your mind as to your present state of the world consider this. If you were actually living within the period of the seven seals you would not need to ask the question in wondering if that time is now. You would definitely know it. Allow me to elaborate further.

When Are The Seven Seals?

To better understand when these events take place we first need to know the setting behind them. I will keep this in the most simple terms I possibly can avoiding big theological terms. While Revelation is a unique book in that there are periods in the writing that the sequence shifts from a traditional script it is still fairly uniform. There are points where it is a time driven sequence and then also a topic or event driven sequence.

The first appearance of the seals takes place in Revelation 5 after John has witnessed his initial entry into heaven. Revelation 4 focuses on the Rapture and the entry of the Church into heaven with also the introduction to what John is seeing. Chapter 5 is both a time and topic driven sequence which happens immediately after the Rapture. Know that this view in heaven offers little in terms of actual time on earth.

Before you run too far with what I said know that the time on earth between chapters 4 and 5 are very short. We are not talking decades much less hundreds or thousands of years. It has been measured by other Scriptures which I will detail later that this period may at most be 3 to 5 years. After the Rapture event the world will be in chaos and bringing order back does not happen immediately. The writing of Ezekiel gives solid and great evidence to measure one event and an approximate time between these two chapters.

In the opening of Chapter 5 from the very beginning John is describing a book which he sees that is sealed with 7 seals. Forget the seals for a moment, what is this book? The Father is holding it but it has no direct definition. We have descriptions of what the seals are and what each does. Yet it says nothing to the exact contents within this book.

Some have surmised that it is like an old Roman scroll which would allow for a seal to be removed, some contents to be read until the next seal must be removed to continue reading. Yet let me ask a real question to the theologians. When did God ever model anything in heaven after the Romans? Never. Rather I take the description John gives more literally in that each seal is its own definition and description to the events it relates to. The contents of the book is another matter altogether.

Definitively the seals are the Tribulation period. The very opening of the First Seal depicts the rider on the white horse which has a bow but no arrows who conquers through peace. This coincides perfectly with Daniels depiction of the Antichrist who confirms a covenant with the many within the world which begins the Tribulation.

Who Is Worthy To Open The Book?

We need to visit a deeper look into this book. First who is worthy to open it? John stated in verse 3 that no man was found worthy in Heaven, in Earth, nor under the Earth to open it. He then stated that he wept much because no one was found worthy. There is clearly a significance to this book reaching beyond the seals. We gain insight as we continue.

It is in verses 9 through 12 that we can see a picture. All of Heaven begins to rejoice for the Lamb appears and only He is worthy to take the book from the Fathers hand and to open the book. The assembly within Heaven begins to sing and cry out that only He is worthy for it was He who was slain and by His blood all were redeemed.

It is in verse 12 that we then get additional information as it states the Lamb is worthy to receive. There is a list which follows. The first is power. Following power is riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, and blessing. This book gives more than the mere seals of Revelation in that its meaning is deeper. With this meaning there is only one who can receive it and open it. This one is Jesus Christ.

What Is The Book?

The book is first pictured in the Fathers hand. Not just anyone can go to the Father to obtain it. There is only one who can do this. The book itself is sealed. For the one who receives the book and loosens the seals there is something which is obtained from the Father and given to Jesus.

He can only obtain it after He was slain and rose from the dead. It is not something He obtained before a path was made to salvation. Likewise it was not obtained before the Church was removed from the Earth. The Church is a witness to this event. Of all the things which Christ receives first in the list is power.

This event is clearly a coronation ceremony. It is establishing the authority of Christ. The Bride is there to witness His ascension. While we have no definitive answer as to the contents of the book I do believe the picture is clear. I believe it is the title or deed to the universe and the Earth. What was stolen by sin is reclaimed by the blood of Christ. It is only Jesus who has the power and authority to open and thus rule this world.

Purpose Of The Seals

The seven seals serve a function. It is not for mere judgment although that is a part of what takes place. Ultimately Israel is restored through this as God promised Abraham in Genesis. The world does not suffer merely for the sake of suffering. If God so desired He could simply remove the wicked placing them in the lake of fire where they will have an eternity of suffering. What is the point of suffering on Earth?

The seals serve as a vehicle of mercy. Indeed this sounds contradictory. Yet there are still those on Earth who will come to Christ before the end. Those who are saved through these events are not limited to Israel. The Tribulation period with its seals and other judgments are then indeed merciful for without it a people would be lost forever. Not all will believe. In fact more will not believe in Christ than those who do.

It is because of this vehicle of mercy that they find grace through Christ. This is the ultimate and eternal purpose of the seals and the Tribulation. The removal of the Antichrist and all that follow him is almost like a mere byproduct of the core intent. When Christ appears at the battle of Megiddo there is no long drawn out battle. The mere Word of Christ from His mouth destroys them.

Indeed the Antichrist desires power as well as Satan. Yet they can only achieve and go as far as they are allowed. At the moment that all things are fulfilled which must be fulfilled the evil within this world is simply wiped away. A new beginning is ushered in that the world has not seen since the Garden of Eden.

Fear Not

Just in writing this article it was done at a time when the corona virus is still a big thing of concern. In researching I found people searching terms related to the end of the world or the end times and related topics. Among them that ranked high was an assumption of present events such as this virus and a concern that we are either in this end period of time or about to enter them.

I can understand that people would have some fear towards the unknown. Yet there is nothing to fear, at least not for a believer in Christ. Things such as the corona virus or other possible future events that come while the Church is still within this world does not mean that we are within the Tribulation or the period of the 7 seals. People assume too much at times without weighing the truth of Scripture.

The events we see before the Rapture of the Church is called birth pains. They are events which portend to further future events that will come after the Church is removed. Certainly the world is marching the same direction to the beat of the same drum. This is by design. This does not mean to fear.

Additionally stay away from those who would sell fear or anxiety. It is easy to twist events and market fear when we are in fact told by Christ to not fear. He holds us within His hands. For those people who do such things God warned against them, those like Peter said to avoid them, and there is also judgment which is promised to them.

This is why I take such great care in my writing and work. To be inaccurate for the sake of ignorance is different from intentional misleading. I am human and will be inaccurate at times and certainly am still ignorant to many things. Yet my intent is never to mislead purposefully especially for ill intent or personal gain.

A Promise To The Church

Christ promised the Church that He would care for her. We are His bride. Isaiah is very specific to this point as well as many other writings many of which are more famous such as Paul in Thessalonians. The period of the seven seals and the other judgments of the Tribulation have absolutely nothing to do with the Church.

For those who would teach or preach otherwise I dare them to answer a question. Is the blood sacrifice of Christ enough for our purification and salvation? There is no if, and, or but to that answer. It is either yes or no. If it is yes then we simply trust His promises. If it is no then I worry about your security.

There is no name under or within Heaven that mankind can be saved by other than Christ Himself. There is no other purification nor trials or suffering which we must endure. Christ is either enough, or He is not. If we are true to the Scriptures then He is definitely enough for there is no other sacrifice which is worthy for us.

Purpose And Intent By God

God stated that He does not want us to be ignorant. He also stated that He declares the end from the beginning. Statements such as this tell us that He wants us to know where we are going, but also why we are going. With this His intended purpose is detailed across the Scriptures to who, where, and when.

We do not have all the answers. Yet we have more than enough information to deduce the truth of a matter. Problems enter in when we begin to misplace or twist what is said or given. It is further compounded when we turn literal into symbolic meaning or metaphors. The seven seals are literal. They fit a very specific period of time that has been outlined.

This period is within the opening of the Tribulation and continue forward where further judgments are unleashed upon the Earth. These additional judgments are in conjunction with and or are associated with the seven seals.

The purpose has been called Jacobs Trouble for a reason. Ezekiel 37 was given and fulfilled for this reason. God’s promise to Abraham to save and be a God to his children and the generations within the nation of Israel is that reason. God always fulfills His promises.

The purpose of the Church is not the purpose of Israel. Indeed we are all grafted into the root as one body in the end yet we are still forward looking to the final fulfillment of God’s promises. Jumping the line and causing disorder does not help our present situation nor the fear which people can or will hold. It is better to stay true to the texts as they are given and intended by God to be defined to us.

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